Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Your Year of Conquest!

Hi Family,

This coming Sunday, come and enjoy sitting around His fire. Hallelujah. His fire and presence will tenderly warm you from within and without. His life will flow and fall like fire in both Sunday services bringing with it comfort, direction and life. See you there. This Sunday is the official opening service for 2010. Come and celebrate with us as we welcome 2010 together as a family.

It's been so encouraging to see how God's people have been unaffected by the weather conditions with their attendance. This shows such maturity. We are so proud of what the Lord is doing in your lives. We need to set our routine and put into place our church attendance as a priority and also our involvement in the Kingdom.

This last Wednesday night was awesome as we were lit up with the "Light of Prophecy". Get this CD for a powerful teaching that will illuminate your life and make you even more responsive to His Prophetic Word. His Word will actually take on a whole new meaning when you know how it can most effectively impact your life. Knowledge is power and brings the faith to take hold of His Word in a more active and life changing way.

Preparation is everything. You can go on an amazing vacation, but if you arrived there unprepared, it can mess things up. It's like going to the beach with no chairs, no umbrella, no towels and no sun tan lotion. What should be an enjoyable time can turn into a disaster. We are entering into the most exciting year of our lives. We are preparing ourselves for "Conquest", Victory and Restoration.

This week, everything goes back to our normal daily structure and routine. Hallelujah! Take heart, this is our year of "Conquest". And Conquer we shall! The Lord is going to fulfill His Word to us like never before. Remember, every time discouragement sets in, keep in mind that your God is "greater than he that is in the world." Let's get back in the river where we belong and also make this a year of studying and knowing His Word in a more diligent way.

See y'all Sunday.

Our Utmost For His Highest
Your loving pastors,
Pastors Errol and Debbie

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