Thursday, December 16, 2010

Identifying the Times..

Hi Precious Family,

This weekend started with an explosion of the advancement of the Kingdom, as God's people were realigned with truth embarking on their journey to "Discover their Purpose". Signs and wonders with a tangible anointing was present in both services. "The Lord worked with them with powerful signs and wonders." "We come to you not with wise and persuasive words, but with the power and demonstration of the Spirit."

The enemy (devil) has been very busy this December bringing discouragement to God's people. He has been lying to God's people to disconnect them from the body and thus moving to the next level pulling them away from Jesus. People have felt alone, lonely, misunderstood, unloved and unappreciated. The enemy has capitalized on this by adding his extra trash, as he knows to do.

Now that we recognize his attacks, we ask ourselves, am I going to accept this and allow it to rule my emotions bringing me into depression and bringing me to a place of regret, or am I going to overcome this "by the blood of the lamb and the Word of my testimony?" The theme for our year 2010 is still "Conquest". We now have opportunity to finally overcome this enemy and destroy this Goliath. If not, he will be back next year as he did last year to torment you again.

We cannot do this in our own strength. We need to "be strong in the Lord and in His mighty Power." Eph 6:10. Our strength to "Overcome" is in Him and from Him. "In Him we live and move and have our being." His Word holds our world together. We need Him. His body is one of the means He transports His strength and anointing to us. Let's connect to Him stronger than ever.

This weekend is going to be powerful. Matt and I will share with photos and some video footage from Nigeria of the power and anointing of the Spirit. We will also further understand the true meaning of "Discovering our purpose." As we step into our "why we are living" as opposed to "what we do", we will find true fulfillment. Living in the what I want and what I need, often brings disappointment. Living in the "why I'm living" brings such overwhelming fulfillment and joy. Many said Sunday morning's word was the best they had heard this year. (Get the cd if you missed it). That's amazing considering the awesome Words we have received this year.

Wednesday night's service exploded into powerful intercession in the Spirit which not only built us up, but caused us to break through in prayer calling things that be not as though they were. As God's people engaged in praying in the Spirit, we saw the dismantling of the enemy's plans and purposes over people's lives in City Bible Church and a release of fresh air, fresh breath, and blessing into people's lives. We expect to hear the many testimonies as a result of this powerful time of intercession during praise and worship on Wednesday night.

Let's use this Christmas "Holy-days" to invite and win souls to Jesus. As we celebrate Jesus, let's use every opportunity to draw closer to Him. It's surely all about Him. See you all on Sunday. You will be blessed beyond words. Bring friends,neighbors, family and work colleagues.

*We need assistants in the children's church. Please see Sabrina and let's pull together for our kids this December.

*Registration for "Life Christian University" is open and we are excited for our New Year's teachings. Please see Rob Buntin and LCU assistants at LCU desk for more information.

Our Utmost For His Highest,

Pastors Errol and Debbie

Friday, October 15, 2010

Let Your Kingdom Come

Hi Family,

Once again we are seeing an acceleration of an outpouring of His Spirit and anointing. On Wednesday night we saw an unleashing of His "Charisma" (Supernatural) gifts to reveal His grace and love in power. God healed and delivered His people from a spirit of hopelessness and even suicide. Every knee bows to His Majestic name!

On Wednesday night I was reminded of a dynamic healing that occurred a few years ago in our church of a man who used a walker and was healed. He said that he was unable to walk upright for many years and was powerfully set free. Hallelujah! "He is the same yesterday, today and forever." The Great Healer is in the house, people. Let's be like the 4 friends that lowered the paralytic into Jesus' house through the roof and bring people so they can receive the touch of God. Everyone you and I know have a need of some sort. One touch from Him can change a life forever!

We are so appreciative of every one who has contributed in any way toward the children's church extensions and renovations. We are now able to accommodate more kids and have doubled our capacity. Praise the Lord! Thank you all for your patience and support in this venture. This Sunday we are ready for the increase to continue.

I see a new wave of Fire about to break over us and it's a big one. Bring the backslidden, the discouraged, the broken and the sick and let's expose them to His presence and anointing. The Lord is doing a new thing. Lives are getting back their first love for Jesus and a fresh zeal for His Kingdom and house. Hallelujah!!!

Finally Heb 10:35 says "Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised."

Come expecting to be refreshed, revived and touched by His tangible power on Sunday. See y'all there!

Your Loving Pastors,

Our Utmost for His Highest,
Pastors Errol and Debbie Mustafa

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rest in His Presence

Hi Family,

Come and fall in Love with Jesus in a deeper way as we receive fresh revelation of Him through Sunday's Word on the "7 Feasts of Israel." People have been in awe of how it's all about Jesus in every facet of this teaching. Your heart will be set aflame as His Word is delivered with Power and Authority with signs and wonders.

Bring the sick and those who are spiritually in a dry place. I am confident of His presence that will flow like a mighty river touching the "dead and broken" areas of people's lives. "Everything He touches, everywhere He flows, it shall LIVE." And touch, heal and deliver lives He shall.

I have also noticed tiredness in God's people. The most spiritual thing to do when you're tired is to REST. Make time for yourself (not during church time. lol) and rest. Sleep and read and put back into your life. You need it and deserve it. Simplify your life and get rid of the clutter in your life. This will help with maintaining order and will be "peace and rest" to your soul. For me organizing my life actually relaxes me and keeps me in a state of peace.

We love you and look forward to an incredible weekend in His presence. See y'all there !!!

Our Utmost For His Highest,

Pastors Errol and Debbie

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Hi Family,

Great News!!!! Bishop Henry Saliu will be ministering the Word with us on Wednesday night, March 17th @ 7pm in addition to this weekend's services. This will give us a taste of what we can expect on the weekend. Come expecting a touch from Heaven! Make time to be there as God's Rhema Word will be rich and for you.

Kingdom Investment Fellowship [KIF] meetings are cancelled for this Wednesday night in preparation for this meeting.

The "Leadership Empowerment" meetings on Saturday will be life changing as we are charged with God's Presence and Power. We will meet at 10:30am. Please be prompt so we can give Bishop Henry as much time as possible to flow in the Apostolic and Prophetic anointing. We will break for lunch at approximately 12:15 pm.

The Lord spoke to us today clearly about some things in the prayer meeting today, which I will also share with you on Saturday. Come and get the "Word of the Lord".

Sunday services are going to be Holy Ghost infused. It's breakthrough time! I am expecting His fulness to be present in power in both services. Bring the sick, lame and "lazy". The unsaved and backslidden will have a God encounter for sure. His Spirit is flowing like a river and falling like rain. Hallelujah!

Our Utmost For His Highest,
Pastors Errol and Debbie

For more info on the Conquest 2010 Conference, please click below:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Living in the Spirit of Unity

Hi Family,

When cells in a body turn against the rest of the body, (other cells) we call it "Cancer". We go to whatever lengths necessary to rid ourselves of this horrific sickness. We need to be just as vigilant to allow the Spirit of Unity to flow in us and through us. The Lord showed me on Sunday night as I considered the Word further, that if we are against the body, we are also against the Head. When we become part of the solution and co-operate fully with the Head, we become conduits of His fullness of His Holy Spirit. This ensures us fulness and fulfillment for ourselves too.

Remember Sunday's Word. Let's make every effort to fertilize our lives (tree) so that the tree can bear good fruit. It is never God's will to chop the tree down and throw it into the fire. It's far easier to be pruned and deal with bad fruit in our lives. Mk 4:18-20 Matt 7:17-20
These are powerful truths to live by.

Keep Bishop Henry's services in prayer. Make time to be at the Leadership Empowerment meetings on Saturday 20th March. Times are from 10:45 for registration till2:00pm. All ladies please bring a covered dish. These meetings are free and will empower you to be the Leader God created you to be. Sunday services 21st March will be blowout services as Bishop Henry assured me that he has been "hard" in prayer before the Lord. He said to tell the people to come expecting. The theme is "Conquest 2010 conference".

Hallelujah! Invite ! Invite ! Invite ! We encourage you to invite every one you know.

Your Loving Pastors

Our Utmost For His Highest,

Pastors Errol and Debbie

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Standing Firm on His Word

Hi precious family,

Isn't it true that when the Lord is moving and blessing, so the devil will come in with fresh attacks. He (the devil) will launch attacks of condemnation bringing his lies and try and rob you of your confidence with God.
"We overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimony."
We have seen such a surge and an increase of His anointing, our lives have been forever touched and changed. No wonder he would seek to dismantle and remove the Word and the work that's been accomplished. The Word says, "For this purpose was the Son of God manifest, to destroy the works of the enemy." Stay focused to dislodge, pluck out and destroy the lies and the "high things" that raise itself against the knowledge of God.

The way we know if our thoughts are of God or not is:

1. Does that thought edify you?
2. Does it promote love?
3. Do you feel closer to God as a result of that thought or do you feel further away?
4. Does it promote unity in the body of Christ or your family?
5. Do you have a great peace or is your peace disturbed since you heard or accepted this thought?
6. What exactly is the fruit that this thought produces?
7. What is the goal or the purpose of this thought if believed and received, and what will it have accomplished?

The answers to these questions will determine if the thoughts are from the Lord or from the devil.
The Word says, "We demolish arguments, casting down imaginations and every high thing that raises itself against the knowledge of God".

Remember "Greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world."
"Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ." (The Word)

"Behold how good and how precious it is when brethren dwell together in unity". Let's go out of our way this week to promote unity. Love and bless someone and be merciful to them as you would want it back to you. Love is only love when it is released from us to touch and affect someone's life.

Tonight's Bible study will be blessed of God. Come and enjoy the Glory of His presence as we continue to bask in His Shekinah Glory. This weekend was.... well there are no words!

Invite people to Jeff Ferguson's meetings this weekend. I know we are going to be blessed as he brings us the Word of the Lord by song and dynamic ministry. Flyers are available at church for these services.

Your loving Pastors,

Our Utmost for His Highest,
Pastors Errol and Debs

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Accessing the Glory

Hi Family,

We are accessing areas and realms of the glory like never before. Every service is intensifying with increasing momentum. This is the realm and dimension that God lives in. Wednesday night Bible Study was infused with power from on high. Many were touched and healed by His mighty power.

We have often had 5-6 people get saved in each service. Invite friends, family and neighbors as we plunder hell and populate heaven. Invite also the sick and the broken hearted as the Lord has powerfully been touching and delivering many from the lies and traps of the enemy.

See you all on Sunday and come expecting Jesus to show up. Come placing a demand on the anointing that is present and you will not be disappointed!

Jeff Ferguson will be with us next week on the 21st of February. Come and meet one of our nation's most anointed song writers. He is bringing with him the revival fires that have set people aflame in his services. Get on the phones and invite everyone to those meetings too!

Your loving pastors

Our Utmost for His Highest,
Pastors Errol and Debs

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

This Sunday: Special Guest - Prophet Ben Smith

Hi precious family,

Just when we think, can the services get any better? They do. We are truly blessed at His sweet presence and the relevance that we've been enjoying with the preached Word. One of the visitors commented that they received more Word in one service on Sunday morning than in a whole year in their other church. Wow, I was humbled and awed as we all know that it's all because of His anointing.

Well I have some wonderful news! This coming Sunday morning and evening we have Prophet Ben ministering with us at City Bible Church. This Sunday evening, our evening service will begin an hour early at 6:00 pm for this Sunday only so we can give Prophet Ben as much time as possible as he has to leave earlier on Sunday evening so he can get back home for a flight on Monday morning. He wants to not rush, so I feel it's right to change the time to 6:00pm. We will be meeting in our building located at 11760 Marco Beach Dr. Jacksonville, FL 32225. Please call (904)642-2808 with any questions.

We will resume the following Sunday evening to 7:00 pm as usual. People have been inviting and calling everyone they know to come and get God's Word from the prophet for the year and also for their lives. While speaking to him the other night, Prophet Ben began prophesying to me the Word of the Lord for City Bible Church. I stopped him and asked him to please save it for Sunday. He said O.K. Please invite friends, colleagues, family and neighbors. These will be memorable services.
It's wonderful to see how many people are attendingWednesday night's Bible study too. We are seeing the attendance increase in every service. Hallelujah. God's people have never been as excited and enthusiastic about being in church. Let's keep the fire spreading as we let the glory of the Lord overflow out of us to cover the earth as the water covers the sea. Come expecting your miracles. Remember this is your year for "Conquest."

You were born (again) to Conquer. Hallelujah!

Our Utmost For His Highest,

Pastors Errol and Debbie

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Your Year of Conquest!

Hi Family,

This coming Sunday, come and enjoy sitting around His fire. Hallelujah. His fire and presence will tenderly warm you from within and without. His life will flow and fall like fire in both Sunday services bringing with it comfort, direction and life. See you there. This Sunday is the official opening service for 2010. Come and celebrate with us as we welcome 2010 together as a family.

It's been so encouraging to see how God's people have been unaffected by the weather conditions with their attendance. This shows such maturity. We are so proud of what the Lord is doing in your lives. We need to set our routine and put into place our church attendance as a priority and also our involvement in the Kingdom.

This last Wednesday night was awesome as we were lit up with the "Light of Prophecy". Get this CD for a powerful teaching that will illuminate your life and make you even more responsive to His Prophetic Word. His Word will actually take on a whole new meaning when you know how it can most effectively impact your life. Knowledge is power and brings the faith to take hold of His Word in a more active and life changing way.

Preparation is everything. You can go on an amazing vacation, but if you arrived there unprepared, it can mess things up. It's like going to the beach with no chairs, no umbrella, no towels and no sun tan lotion. What should be an enjoyable time can turn into a disaster. We are entering into the most exciting year of our lives. We are preparing ourselves for "Conquest", Victory and Restoration.

This week, everything goes back to our normal daily structure and routine. Hallelujah! Take heart, this is our year of "Conquest". And Conquer we shall! The Lord is going to fulfill His Word to us like never before. Remember, every time discouragement sets in, keep in mind that your God is "greater than he that is in the world." Let's get back in the river where we belong and also make this a year of studying and knowing His Word in a more diligent way.

See y'all Sunday.

Our Utmost For His Highest
Your loving pastors,
Pastors Errol and Debbie

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year, Family,

Hi Family,

A very Blessed and prosperous New Year to all of you. We believe for an exceptional year for you all and for success in everything you put your hand to.

The New Years eve service was an absolute blowout as we wrote our 2010 History, in advance (casting vision). I encourage you all to get the CD of God's Word for our year and get your Vision Casting forms. Fill them out, and as you look at it throughout the year, you will run with your God given vision.

Our theme for the year is "Conquest" in 2010. It can just be words, or it can be the very theme that guides our lives, our decisions, our choices, and gives us the determination to never give up, persevering until we have overcome and conquered every hinderance and obstacle to us fulfilling our purpose and destiny. This theme will be the light that lights up our pathway and we need to not deviate from it.

"We overcome him with by the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimony." Make the decision now that should you fall, you will get up, repent, be forgiven and keep advancing. We will hold on to the confession of our faith. This will take us step by step forward, as we take possession of our land. "Every place on which your foot shall tread, I have given it to you."

Invite your friends and family to the Sunday services this month as we receive step by step guidance from the Holy Spirit and unfolding instruction in our exciting journey for 2010. Every service counts and is vital to our growth, nourishment and to the keeping our focus through the vibrant worship and the dynamic Word. These are the very blocks which the Lord uses to build our lives.

Remember the enemy is just as busy trying to distract you and to take your focus off the Lord, your purpose and ultimately off your destiny. God is a God of order. Be aware of him doing his utmost to take you off course. He (the devil) is cunning and comes as an angel of light. Don't be side-tracked by "illusions of grandeur" or greener pastures in other relationships or situations. Deception looks real, feels real and even sounds real yet it's from the enemy of your soul.

Make church attendance your priority for 2010. Let this be the year Jesus is put first in everything, and like dominoes, everything else will fall into place.

We love you and look forward to another year of relationship building and family love to share with one another.

Our utmost For His Highest.

Pastors Errol and Debbie