Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Breakthrough Anointing

Hi Family,

This last weekend was awesome to say the least. Many were touched, healed and many delivered of the bondages of the past and of the devil. His anointing has been stepped up and we are experiencing an extraordinary outpouring of His yoke destroying power.

People are getting saved every week now as you all continue to spread the good news of what He is doing at City Bible Church with us all. Keep it up! Continue to invite, pick up and bring your friends, family, neighbors and work colleagues so that they can meet the Lord too!

Don't miss Wednesday night as it is going to be a "GOING DEEPER" service. Come hungry and thirsty with a determination to press in to the deeper places in Him. He awaits you in the "secret place". Ps 91

This weekend's services will be with a "Breakthrough Anointing". The anointing will respond to creative words that will be released into your life, bringing that much awaited manifestation of the life of God. The atmosphere is charged with prayer and His Spirit is hovering awaiting instruction as Faith-filled words and prayer that commands change and breakthrough. Bring someone with you who also needs to be there!

Also, we will be having an important Investors Meeting at 6:15 pm tonight (Wednesday night). Don't miss it. It is going to top and overshadow all previous ones. I encourage you to stay for the service and leave completely satisfied. In the last few weeks I have finished at exactly 8:30 pm.

I will close at 8:30pm again for parents to get the kids to bed for school nice and early.

October month is our month of pushing forward and pulling down the strongholds of the enemy in our minds and taking every thought captive to the Word of God. The Word has been informative, it has equipped us to accurately discern right from wrong, revealing truth from error.. It has inspired us to take ground back including that which was stolen from us, and finally it has given us the tools we and know how we can live in the victory that Jesus paid for at the cross. These are not to be missed services!

See y'all there. We love you all and keep you as a memorial before the Lord as we lift you up every day in our prayer meetings.

Expect your miracle today.

In His Majesty's Service
Your ever loving Pastors,
Pastors Errol and Debbie

Thursday, October 8, 2009

His Words are Spirit and Life

Hi Family,

The last 2 weeks have truly been rich in every way. Jeff Ferguson was wonderful as he humbly ministered and released God's love and many were touched by the Lord. This last weekend the Lord showed up in an extra-ordinary way and many people were set free from years of turmoil and confusion. A few people have already testified as to the Word being just for them and how it changed their lives. Many were also blessed with Pastor Debbie's powerful Word on Sunday evening that exactly pin pointed their situation and brought such peace, clarity and freedom as we pulled down the strongholds of fear and offense.

October is known as the month when people celebrate the dead and satanist's pray for the destruction of churches, families, children and marriages. However, we choose to celebrate life and it's impact on our lives. Let's push back and take ground this month as we advance in our faith. Remember the enemy's biggest job is to steal the Word out of your heart. He will use circumstances, people, finances and bring discouragement so we can give up on our faith. When we step out of faith, we are actually stepping out of the Word. As long as we are in the Word, we are in the Spirit. Jesus said, "My Words are Spirit and Life."

Let's make this October month, the month when we take ground in our faith, as we overcome the enemy "by the blood of Jesus and the Word of our testimony (the Word of God)." Remember, we've only lost when we give up. Hebrews chapter 10 tells us to "not throw away your confidence; It will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when we have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." We are the righteous that walk and live by faith.

A small chat about the Dinar investment. We have the mother of all documents which we shared on Wednesday evening's KIF meeting. We believe according to this document that we are closer now than ever. Hang in there y'all. lol.

This Sunday come expecting to be in the Shekinah (out shining) Glory as the Word goes forth with Dynamic power once again. Lives are being revolutionized and transformed as He works with us withsigns and wonders following. Bring the tormented, the sick, the lame and even the intellectual.
This last Sunday we had 5 salvations. Hallelujah!
As you bring your family, friends, work colleagues and fellow students, you can believe that the Lord will be present to meet them face to face.

Keep October 31st open as we are expecting an exciting evening at our "Missions Extravaganza". It will be a night to remember with food, entertainment , lots of fun and prizes to be won, but also you will have an opportunity to meet real missionaries and have fellowship with them. Pastor Paul Alexander will be our honorary guest speaker, who I'm sure will deliver a powerful Word to us as always.

I will be confirming with Prophet Ben for a date in the very near future. Keep your ear to the ground about this.

We love you and keep you all in our hearts in prayer.

Our Utmost For His Highest,
Pastors Errol and Debbie

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Harvest 2009

Welcome Precious Family,

This is our year of "harvest." In the middle of a three year drought Elijah received the Word of the Lord to pray and break the drought. It rained and brought a harvest which met the needs of the entire nation. We believe that this is the year of harvest. Every seed, old seed, new seed and even seed that was stolen by the devil will be claimed back and will yield the harvest we've believed for, and have stood in faith for.

2009 started with an unprecedented, contagious excitement, and with a faith that I know pleases the Lord. We are seeing a spiritual harvest in souls being saved weekly. A fresh and fuller anointing has increased literally every week. Healings, deliverances and lives are being changed by His Word and His powerful anointing. Smith Wigglesworth once said "I am not moved by what I see but by what I believe." Amen and Amen to that! Even our harvest will be received and laid hold of by faith. Let's determine to be the generation that finishes and not leave things to the next, or another generation. God Bless you as you partner with us in fulfilling the call on all our lives, thus completing the work necessary to usher in our Lord and King.