Thursday, December 16, 2010

Identifying the Times..

Hi Precious Family,

This weekend started with an explosion of the advancement of the Kingdom, as God's people were realigned with truth embarking on their journey to "Discover their Purpose". Signs and wonders with a tangible anointing was present in both services. "The Lord worked with them with powerful signs and wonders." "We come to you not with wise and persuasive words, but with the power and demonstration of the Spirit."

The enemy (devil) has been very busy this December bringing discouragement to God's people. He has been lying to God's people to disconnect them from the body and thus moving to the next level pulling them away from Jesus. People have felt alone, lonely, misunderstood, unloved and unappreciated. The enemy has capitalized on this by adding his extra trash, as he knows to do.

Now that we recognize his attacks, we ask ourselves, am I going to accept this and allow it to rule my emotions bringing me into depression and bringing me to a place of regret, or am I going to overcome this "by the blood of the lamb and the Word of my testimony?" The theme for our year 2010 is still "Conquest". We now have opportunity to finally overcome this enemy and destroy this Goliath. If not, he will be back next year as he did last year to torment you again.

We cannot do this in our own strength. We need to "be strong in the Lord and in His mighty Power." Eph 6:10. Our strength to "Overcome" is in Him and from Him. "In Him we live and move and have our being." His Word holds our world together. We need Him. His body is one of the means He transports His strength and anointing to us. Let's connect to Him stronger than ever.

This weekend is going to be powerful. Matt and I will share with photos and some video footage from Nigeria of the power and anointing of the Spirit. We will also further understand the true meaning of "Discovering our purpose." As we step into our "why we are living" as opposed to "what we do", we will find true fulfillment. Living in the what I want and what I need, often brings disappointment. Living in the "why I'm living" brings such overwhelming fulfillment and joy. Many said Sunday morning's word was the best they had heard this year. (Get the cd if you missed it). That's amazing considering the awesome Words we have received this year.

Wednesday night's service exploded into powerful intercession in the Spirit which not only built us up, but caused us to break through in prayer calling things that be not as though they were. As God's people engaged in praying in the Spirit, we saw the dismantling of the enemy's plans and purposes over people's lives in City Bible Church and a release of fresh air, fresh breath, and blessing into people's lives. We expect to hear the many testimonies as a result of this powerful time of intercession during praise and worship on Wednesday night.

Let's use this Christmas "Holy-days" to invite and win souls to Jesus. As we celebrate Jesus, let's use every opportunity to draw closer to Him. It's surely all about Him. See you all on Sunday. You will be blessed beyond words. Bring friends,neighbors, family and work colleagues.

*We need assistants in the children's church. Please see Sabrina and let's pull together for our kids this December.

*Registration for "Life Christian University" is open and we are excited for our New Year's teachings. Please see Rob Buntin and LCU assistants at LCU desk for more information.

Our Utmost For His Highest,

Pastors Errol and Debbie

1 comment:

blessforindia said...

Pastors Errol and Debbie,

Happy New Year, may 2011 be filled with the best of Gods blessings and an abundance of His love, mercy, grace, wisdom, provision, health, and purposes in your life through a deeper knowledge and walk with Jesus. More for you, me and all of our loved ones....