Hi Family,
Once again we are seeing an acceleration of an outpouring of His Spirit and anointing. On Wednesday night we saw an unleashing of His "Charisma" (Supernatural) gifts to reveal His grace and love in power. God healed and delivered His people from a spirit of hopelessness and even suicide. Every knee bows to His Majestic name!
On Wednesday night I was reminded of a dynamic healing that occurred a few years ago in our church of a man who used a walker and was healed. He said that he was unable to walk upright for many years and was powerfully set free. Hallelujah! "He is the same yesterday, today and forever." The Great Healer is in the house, people. Let's be like the 4 friends that lowered the paralytic into Jesus' house through the roof and bring people so they can receive the touch of God. Everyone you and I know have a need of some sort. One touch from Him can change a life forever!
We are so appreciative of every one who has contributed in any way toward the children's church extensions and renovations. We are now able to accommodate more kids and have doubled our capacity. Praise the Lord! Thank you all for your patience and support in this venture. This Sunday we are ready for the increase to continue.
I see a new wave of Fire about to break over us and it's a big one. Bring the backslidden, the discouraged, the broken and the sick and let's expose them to His presence and anointing. The Lord is doing a new thing. Lives are getting back their first love for Jesus and a fresh zeal for His Kingdom and house. Hallelujah!!!
Finally Heb 10:35 says "Do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised."
Come expecting to be refreshed, revived and touched by His tangible power on Sunday. See y'all there!
Your Loving Pastors,
Our Utmost for His Highest,
Pastors Errol and Debbie Mustafa
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