Isn't it true that when the Lord is moving and blessing, so the devil will come in with fresh attacks. He (the devil) will launch attacks of condemnation bringing his lies and try and rob you of your confidence with God.
"We overcome him by the blood of the lamb and the Word of our testimony."
We have seen such a surge and an increase of His anointing, our lives have been forever touched and changed. No wonder he would seek to dismantle and remove the Word and the work that's been accomplished. The Word says, "For this purpose was the Son of God manifest, to destroy the works of the enemy." Stay focused to dislodge, pluck out and destroy the lies and the "high things" that raise itself against the knowledge of God.
The way we know if our thoughts are of God or not is:
1. Does that thought edify you?
2. Does it promote love?
3. Do you feel closer to God as a result of that thought or do you feel further away?
4. Does it promote unity in the body of Christ or your family?
5. Do you have a great peace or is your peace disturbed since you heard or accepted this thought?
6. What exactly is the fruit that this thought produces?
7. What is the goal or the purpose of this thought if believed and received, and what will it have accomplished?
The answers to these questions will determine if the thoughts are from the Lord or from the devil.
The Word says, "We demolish arguments, casting down imaginations and every high thing that raises itself against the knowledge of God".
Remember "Greater is He who is in you than he that is in the world."
"Take captive every thought and make it obedient to Christ." (The Word)
"Behold how good and how precious it is when brethren dwell together in unity". Let's go out of our way this week to promote unity. Love and bless someone and be merciful to them as you would want it back to you. Love is only love when it is released from us to touch and affect someone's life.
Tonight's Bible study will be blessed of God. Come and enjoy the Glory of His presence as we continue to bask in His Shekinah Glory. This weekend was.... well there are no words!
Invite people to Jeff Ferguson's meetings this weekend. I know we are going to be blessed as he brings us the Word of the Lord by song and dynamic ministry. Flyers are available at church for these services.
Your loving Pastors,
Our Utmost for His Highest,
Pastors Errol and Debs
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