Hi Family,
This last weekend was awesome to say the least. Many were touched, healed and many delivered of the bondages of the past and of the devil. His anointing has been stepped up and we are experiencing an extraordinary outpouring of His yoke destroying power.
People are getting saved every week now as you all continue to spread the good news of what He is doing at City Bible Church with us all. Keep it up! Continue to invite, pick up and bring your friends, family, neighbors and work colleagues so that they can meet the Lord too!
Don't miss Wednesday night as it is going to be a "GOING DEEPER" service. Come hungry and thirsty with a determination to press in to the deeper places in Him. He awaits you in the "secret place". Ps 91
This weekend's services will be with a "Breakthrough Anointing". The anointing will respond to creative words that will be released into your life, bringing that much awaited manifestation of the life of God. The atmosphere is charged with prayer and His Spirit is hovering awaiting instruction as Faith-filled words and prayer that commands change and breakthrough. Bring someone with you who also needs to be there!
Also, we will be having an important Investors Meeting at 6:15 pm tonight (Wednesday night). Don't miss it. It is going to top and overshadow all previous ones. I encourage you to stay for the service and leave completely satisfied. In the last few weeks I have finished at exactly 8:30 pm.
I will close at 8:30pm again for parents to get the kids to bed for school nice and early.
October month is our month of pushing forward and pulling down the strongholds of the enemy in our minds and taking every thought captive to the Word of God. The Word has been informative, it has equipped us to accurately discern right from wrong, revealing truth from error.. It has inspired us to take ground back including that which was stolen from us, and finally it has given us the tools we and know how we can live in the victory that Jesus paid for at the cross. These are not to be missed services!
See y'all there. We love you all and keep you as a memorial before the Lord as we lift you up every day in our prayer meetings.
Expect your miracle today.
In His Majesty's Service
Your ever loving Pastors,
Pastors Errol and Debbie
Wow, Pastor has a [powerfully anointed] blog, and I can barely figure out how to indent on a word processor.
Embarrassing...just a little.
October 21, 2009 8:58 AM
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