Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Hi Family,

Great News!!!! Bishop Henry Saliu will be ministering the Word with us on Wednesday night, March 17th @ 7pm in addition to this weekend's services. This will give us a taste of what we can expect on the weekend. Come expecting a touch from Heaven! Make time to be there as God's Rhema Word will be rich and for you.

Kingdom Investment Fellowship [KIF] meetings are cancelled for this Wednesday night in preparation for this meeting.

The "Leadership Empowerment" meetings on Saturday will be life changing as we are charged with God's Presence and Power. We will meet at 10:30am. Please be prompt so we can give Bishop Henry as much time as possible to flow in the Apostolic and Prophetic anointing. We will break for lunch at approximately 12:15 pm.

The Lord spoke to us today clearly about some things in the prayer meeting today, which I will also share with you on Saturday. Come and get the "Word of the Lord".

Sunday services are going to be Holy Ghost infused. It's breakthrough time! I am expecting His fulness to be present in power in both services. Bring the sick, lame and "lazy". The unsaved and backslidden will have a God encounter for sure. His Spirit is flowing like a river and falling like rain. Hallelujah!

Our Utmost For His Highest,
Pastors Errol and Debbie

For more info on the Conquest 2010 Conference, please click below:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Living in the Spirit of Unity

Hi Family,

When cells in a body turn against the rest of the body, (other cells) we call it "Cancer". We go to whatever lengths necessary to rid ourselves of this horrific sickness. We need to be just as vigilant to allow the Spirit of Unity to flow in us and through us. The Lord showed me on Sunday night as I considered the Word further, that if we are against the body, we are also against the Head. When we become part of the solution and co-operate fully with the Head, we become conduits of His fullness of His Holy Spirit. This ensures us fulness and fulfillment for ourselves too.

Remember Sunday's Word. Let's make every effort to fertilize our lives (tree) so that the tree can bear good fruit. It is never God's will to chop the tree down and throw it into the fire. It's far easier to be pruned and deal with bad fruit in our lives. Mk 4:18-20 Matt 7:17-20
These are powerful truths to live by.

Keep Bishop Henry's services in prayer. Make time to be at the Leadership Empowerment meetings on Saturday 20th March. Times are from 10:45 for registration till2:00pm. All ladies please bring a covered dish. These meetings are free and will empower you to be the Leader God created you to be. Sunday services 21st March will be blowout services as Bishop Henry assured me that he has been "hard" in prayer before the Lord. He said to tell the people to come expecting. The theme is "Conquest 2010 conference".

Hallelujah! Invite ! Invite ! Invite ! We encourage you to invite every one you know.

Your Loving Pastors

Our Utmost For His Highest,

Pastors Errol and Debbie